Monday, August 25, 2008

Im going insane.

Let it be said upfront that I'm not sugar-coating a god damn thing.

The fact is, I've watched too many people I care about piss their lives away on empty careers, hopeless romance, meaningless scholastic accolades, and the relentless pursuit of creating cute little "craziest thing" stories with which they can stroke their dumb-ass egos. What the fuck is wrong with you people? Why do you all settle for the blandest, least interesting, emotionally and spiritually empty bullshit to fill your lives? Do any of you have actual thoughts, or are you truly happy just bumbling around, taking everything at face value? Doesn't anyone have anything interesting to say?

There's a whole goddamn beautiful planet out there, with innumerable resources available to learn about who we are, where we have come from and how we are all tied together. And what do people do? They get soulless jobs in IT or marketing or media or some other bullshit. They spend their Friday nights comparing themselves to their "friends" over drinks. They settle into empty, boring marriages with people they barely know. I cannot describe how agonizing it is for me to see this happening to everyone.

Fuck your college degree. Fuck your relationship. Fuck your family. Fuck your lack of imagination. Fuck your disinterest in the bigger picture. You were shit out into this world with no absolutely no bias, and you let popular belief tell you who you were. Congratulations, Mr. or Ms. Social-Security-Number. Have fun chasing that socio-economic carrot all the way to the grave. Be prepared to die silently, nothing like you thought it would be.

Yeah, I know how it sounds. Go ahead, tear me apart. Let's fucking hear you say something insightful for once. Amaze me. Rip this shitty heart out and devour it, motherfuckers. Now's your chance. Fuck it

This entry has been brought to you by my hate for everyone, goddammit.

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