Thursday, August 7, 2008

Love and Hate

Love and hate collide like rain and ocean, singing together in equal and opposite reaction. Anyone can hear it, but to see it makes a world of difference, although perhaps not in a different world. With every blade of grass in attendance, thunderous bass erupts from clouds above while shrill strings cry out from the edge of every raindrop. The orchestra surges relentlessly as daylight breaks, a drink to numb my fears.With bloodthirsty passion, I stagger onward, hoping to bed down at the horizon. My heart loves everything that no one sees, although I sometimes think that is me. There are cracks in everything, and they tell beautiful stories longer than time. Everything is so clear. This new reality appears when least expected, consumes every thought, and ultimately devours the entirety of existence. Perfection is the end of time, and there is no cure for being so in love.But I run screaming from bliss, that eggshell truth that only seems white. There is another reality that I know better; it feeds the senses in equivalent portions, and it feels just like home. And so, from this lonely hill, I watch the unfolding of the apocalypse. Sunlight floods through the beautiful cracks in everything, and everyone can finally see. The fabric now ashen, the spine disintegrates, letting fall all the pages, inked in blood. Yourning fades to completeness as I sleep at last. Every night.

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